Conejo Players on the Stage Playaz Podcast

We are thrilled that the Conejo Players Theatre and the cast of Sleeping Beauty were featured guests on the Stage Playaz Podcast.

Official Description: Join your favorite co-hosts, CC Adeva and Nate Eshaghpour as they feature a performing arts gem in the community. The Conejo Players Theatre is going on its 66th anniversary and it remains one of THE most popular venues people go for entertainment. Meet the Executive Producer Beth Eslick and learn what makes the experience at Conejo Players Theatre unique. Enjoy the perspective of three Sleeping Beauty cast members, Carmen Hortiales (Briar Rose), Evan Trafican (Prince Owain), and Alia Ashworth (Spider King) from their current production, Sleeping Beauty (Charles Way adaptation), as they give you a glimpse into their characters and express their gratitude and love for being a part of the Conejo Players Theatre family.