
Conejo Players is an all-volunteer theatre

At the heart of Conejo Players Theatre is its volunteer members. Our theatre is unique in the Conejo Valley, as it’s operated on a solely volunteer basis since its inception in 1958; the theatre’s board members, actors, production staff, and technical crew do not receive any monetary compensation for their services. But the rewards of volunteering with our theatre are many — we provide a medium for creative self-expression, with opportunities to get involved both onstage and behind-the-scenes … acting, directing, producing, stage managing, scenic design and construction, theatrical lighting and sound, costuming, and the list goes on.

We’re proud of the dedication of our volunteers, and the services they provide are invaluable to our success. It’s our volunteers — both adults and children — that have allowed Conejo Players to thrive since its humble beginnings. In return, our volunteers gain invaluable creative experiences while enjoying the fun and friendships that come with working in the ever-evolving atmosphere of live theatre. We invite you to join us in our efforts to support the cultural, educational, and entertainment needs of the community through the arts!

Following is a list of some of the volunteer opportunities available and an email contact. You can also email us at [email protected] for other volunteer options.

  • Usher, Ticket Taker or Snack Bar: Volunteers are always needed! Any usher, ticket taker or snack bar volunteer can see the show for free after all patrons have been seated — but must be available to help patrons during performance if necessary. Volunteers are asked to arrive an hour before the show to help set up, in addition to assisting patrons before the show and during intermission. Contact: Eve Kiefer, Front of House Coordinator, at [email protected].
  • Costumes: CPT is always looking for people who are willing to sew, glue, mend, do laundry, iron — anything to get our beautiful costumes finished before a show’s opening! We also need individuals who are capable of making quick costume fixes (sew on a button, fix a seam quickly by hand, handle emergencies) during each performance. Contact: Beth Eslick, Costume Custodian, at [email protected].
  • Props: We are in need of individuals interested in sourcing or creating props for a given show. Contact: John Eslick, Props Custodian, at [email protected].
  • Set Builders: We are in constant need of set builders (esp. crew chiefs) and painters. Contact: Rick Steinberg at [email protected]
  • Sound Board Operator: The Sound Board Operator assists the Sound Designer in the recording and adjustment of sound cues during the rehearsal process, and operating the sound board “on cue” during technical rehearsals and performances. They’re also charged with performing “sound checks” before each performance, powering down the equipment at the tech rehearsal or show’s end, and fixing any problems that arise before, during, or after a performance (with the help of the Technical Director). Contact: [email protected].
  • Light Board Operator: The Light Board Operator assists the Lighting Designer in the recording and adjustment of light cues, and operates the light board “on cue” during technical rehearsals and performances. They’re also asked to: complete a dimmer check and fix any problems before each performance; power down equipment after tech rehearsals and performances; and report any issues to the Lighting Designer and/or Executive Technical Director. Contact: [email protected].
  • Outreach Committee: Volunteers are always needed to help with both single and ongoing events that might include: working at the Thousand Oaks Street Fair; identifying Workshop Leaders; developing a Workshop schedule; meeting with schools or scout leaders; leading theatre tours; and much more. The mission of the committee is to introduce the theatre more widely to our community and to work with various other organizations to our mutual benefit. Contact: Devery Holmes, CPT Board President, at [email protected].

Harlequin Awards

Every year, rather than making presentations for “Best Play, “Best Director,” etc., Conejo Players Theatre rewards contributions made by members and nonmembers alike. At each year’s Harlequin Awards Banquet, actors and other volunteers get a chance to applaud their own — people who rehearsed for countless hours; toiled behind the scenes, in the tech booth, or building sets; selling tickets; and doing all the other tasks that come together in the performances seen by our audiences.

Become a Member

Membership at Conejo Players Theatre is easy! Just fill out a form — available in the CPT lobby — and pay a $1 registration fee. This entitles you to pending membership status; once you’ve participated in at least one volunteer activity at the theatre, you become a full voting member. There are no annual dues, and members retain their voting rights until such time as a two-year period has elapsed without the member participating in a volunteer activity. To become a member, just stop by the theatre and pick up a form in the lobby. For more information, reach out to [email protected]

We look forward to welcoming you on board!