

April 28, 2024
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Sunday April 28th 6pm
This is a staged reading in which actors present a play in front of a live audience without sets, costumes or other production elements. The actors are not off-book, which means they typically have the script in hand while they perform.

About the show
Presented through special arrangement with Concord Theatricals
Directed by: Dana Marley-Kolb
Produced by: Paul Babb & Scott Quintard

A charming devil arrives in the quiet village of Edmonton to bargain for the souls of its residents in exchange for their darkest wishes. Elizabeth should be his easiest target, having been labeled a “witch” and cast out by the town, but her soul is not so readily bought. As the devil returns to convince her – and then returns again – unexpected passions flare, alliances are formed, and the village is forever changed. An inventive retelling of a Jacobean drama, this sharp, subversive fable debates how much our souls are worth when hope is hard to come by.

Cast & Crew

Ann Patricio – Elizabeth Sawyer
Andrew Costello – Scratch
Scott Quintard – Sir Arthur Banks
Patrick T. Rogers – Cuddy Banks
Vincent Bennett – Frank Thorney
Rachel Borbas – Winnifred
Lynn Thorne – Narrator

*** Mature Audiences – Language ***