This story unfolds through a series of nine vignettes, all of which take place on a magical midwinter night, with the Northern Lights dancing through the sky. The citizens of Almost, Maine discover the life-altering power of the human heart. Strangers become friends, friends become lovers, and lovers turn into strangers. It’s a play about discovery, the exploring of connections and relationships, and what brings us together as people.
NOTE: All patrons are required to wear a mask while inside the theatre regardless of vaccination status. Also, please bring a jacket, it might be chilly during a "Maine winter evening."
For the health and safety of everyone, beginning September 17, all patrons will need to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours from the time of entry to attend shows at Conejo Players.
Please refer to California Department of Health guidance here for acceptable methods of vaccine verification and here for acceptable methods for proof of negative test result.
All California residents may request a digital vaccination record at
All patrons must wear a mask at all times while inside the theatre, regardless of vaccination status.